About Trails WA
A wide range of organisations are involved with the planning, development, management, promotion and use of trails in WA.
If you have any suggestions for additional links please contact us.
Clubs & Groups
Action Outdoors: Fun, Fitness & Friendship - The Action Outdoors Association arranges a wide variety of outdoor activities for members and visitors including bushwalking, cycling (both on and off road), kayaking, and camping. aoa.asn.au
Nature Play WA: If you’re a parent looking for ideas on how to get your children more involved in outdoor activities in Western Australia, then visit natureplaywa.org.au
Outdoors WA: the peak body for the outdoor sector in Western Australia, including camping, outdoor recreation, and outdoor education. outdoorswa.org.au
HikeWest: The Federation is the peak body for all bushwalkers and clubs within the state. Links to many bushwalking clubs from their website. hikewest.org.au
Bibbulmun Track Foundation: Interested in bushwalking sections or the length of this iconic trail? The Bibbulmun Track Foundation has a staggering number of resources to help you prepare. Join over 2000 members and enjoy free or discounted events, tours, merchandise, trip planning advice and much more. bibbulmuntrack.org.au
WA Rogaining Association: Cross-country navigation events - all levels of competition - families and novices welcome! wa.rogaine.asn.au
Recreational Trail Bike Riders' Association (RTRA): the peak body representing the interests of trail bike riders in WA. The RTRA provides education and safety information as well as where to ride and licensing information. The RTRA advocates on behalf of all trail bike riders to protect and extend trails and areas for trail bikes and to improve the quality and safety of trail bike trails and facilities. rtra.asn.au
Westcycle: WestCycle is the peak body for cycling throughout Western Australia. westcycle.org.au
Munda Biddi Trail Foundation: The Munda Biddi Foundation has a great selection of information on the website on completing the trail in sections or end-to-end. They have additional resources available to those who sign up as members, as well as some fantastic events and workshops each year. mundabiddi.org.au
The WA Horse Council represents the Western Australian Equine Community, working with Federal, State and Local Government to further the interests of all horse owners. wahorsecouncil.com.au
Australian Trail Horse Riders Association: find a club, event, and news on horse trails across WA and Australia. athra.com.au
Perth Trail Series is a purpose driven social enterprise. Out of the many (~90) events they organise throughout the year, only 15 are commercial in nature with the vast majority being free social events and cause driven outings, like rubbish clean-ups and weekly group runs. perthtrailseries.com.au
Paddle WA is the state sporting association ‘With You On The Water’. They represent the entire paddle sports community in Western Australia and have a huge amount of resources on their website for those getting into paddling for the first time as well as for experienced paddlers. paddlewa.asn.au
Snorkelling WA Facebook Group is a fantastic community to be part of for snorkelling information as well as inspiration throughout WA. Snorkelling WA Facebook Group
The Western Australian 4WD Association is the Peak body for the four-wheel drive clubs in WA. They provide plenty of resources, safety tips and rules on 4wd-ing in WA. wa4wda.com.au
Track Care WA is a volunteer organisation which establishes collaborative and positive partnerships with land managers, native title holders, government departments and other stakeholders to sustainably manage locations of environmental, cultural, and historical significance, with the aim of ensuring access for all future generations. trackcare.com.au
WA Disability Sports Association (WADSA) enhances the lives of People with a Disability in WA, through participation in Sport & Recreation. They host a lot of events throughout the year focusing on all ages and abilities. wadsa.org.au
Break The Boundary advocates for accessibility and inclusion of people with physical and neurological disabilities in Mountain Biking (recreational and sports) and acts as a central hub for people seeking information about Adaptive Mountain Biking around Australia. They also run annual camps, clinics and riding groups and manage guidelines to help give others direction. breaktheboundary.com.au
Gear Hire
Bibbulmun Track Foundation
Units 3 & 4, 62 Ord Street, West Perth
Hike Hire
Dieback Phytophthora and how to reduce the risk of spreading. Trails WA-Environment
Fire, Police, Ambulance: 000
State Emergency Service: 132 500
Public Transport
Transperth: Public transport service (train, bus, ferry) in the Metropolitan Area.
Info line (within Australia): 13 62 13 or (08) 9428 1966 (interstate)
Transwa: Regional coach and rail services throughout Western Australia.
Phone: (within Australia): 1300 662 205 or (08) 9326 2600 (international)
South West Coachlines: Coach service from Perth to Collie via Bunbury. South West Coaches will carry bikes in luggage with advance booking.
Phone: (08) 9753 7700
Regional Tourism Organisations
Western Australia
Destination Perth
Australia's Coral Coast
Australia's South West
Australia's Golden Outback
Australia's North West
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions (DBCA)
DBCA/ DPAW | Parks & Wildlife Service: a huge number of trails are in the parks managed by Parks and Wildlife Services. Parks & Wildlife is key in setting standards for trails in the State and works with many stakeholders to provide quality trails that meet the needs of trails users and protect the environment.
For park alerts and updates, useful information on how to access national parks and stay safe, visit Explore Parks: exploreparks.dbca.wa.gov.au
Local Parks and Wildlife Offices
Please see the info on the trail you are looking to do for the most appropriate district contact.
Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries
The Government Department responsible for encouraging participation in outdoor recreation, promoting accessibility and Aboriginal culture. DLGSC is the key driver in developing the WA Strategic Trails Blueprint and a key supporter of Trails WA.
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