Trail Tips
Horse Riding in WA
Before you saddle up for an adventure, understanding the unique conditions of Western Australia's equestrian trails is crucial for both novice and seasoned riders.

What to take:
- Minimum 2 litres of water per person per day
- Riding helmet (Riders under the age of 18 must wear helmets when riding in parks. It is strongly recommended that all other riders also wear helmets.)
- Appropriate riding footwear
- Additional personal protective equipment may be considered e.g. gloves, high visibility vest
- Sunglasses, sunscreen (30+) and insect repellent
- Map(s)
- Snacks
- Clothing to suit the activity, environment and weather conditions.
- Personal first aid kit and equine first aid kit for longer trails
- Binoculars and camera (optional)
Depending on the length of the trail you may also consider the following:
- Canvas bucket for holding water
- Lead rope/ rope for tethering
- Feed for horse
- Clean up gear – manure rake, chaff bags, tubs
- Horse nose bags, saddle bags and water bottle holders
Please see the Explore Parks WA site for comprehensive information on Horse Riding in WA.
Horse Riding | Explore Parks WA
The above lists are for general information only and are not intended as advice and must not be relied upon as such. You should make your own inquiries and seek independent and/or alternative advice
prior to undertaking your trail journey.
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