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About Trails WA


WA Trail Town Accreditation

Trails Tourism is fast becoming one of the most popular ways for visitors to experience a region.

In response to this, Trails WA, in conjunction with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, has created a Trail Town Accreditation program that helps regions and towns to build their capacity as a trails destination.

The accreditation process is a consultative one that requires a number of in-depth assessments and reviews. This includes:

  • A capacity audit - which determines the level of community engagement in trails tourism, strategic governance, trail management processes, availability of attractions and accommodation.
  • An inventory assessment - to understand the cultural, aesthetic, access, activities, amenities and trail infrastructure gaps and opportunities available in the region.
  • A review of planning, community engagement, marketing strategies.

If you are interested in becoming a WA Trail Town, please contact us for further information.

Trails WA Top Trails Project

The aim of the Top Trails project is to identify the best trails in each region, and promote them cooperatively to bring more visitors to regional areas of Western Australia.

Nominated trails need to be of a high standard and provide a memorable and/or unique experience to trail users. The nominated trails are assessed against an extensive criteria, including:

  • appropriate signage – directional trail marking, distance and locational maps, guide books and track notes if required
  • interpretative material and information if appropriate
  • management and maintenance plans
  • community support (e.g. friends group or Shire involvement)
  • a promotional brochure

The following factors are also taken into consideration:

  • the quality of the experience
  • point of difference
  • accessibility
  • community involvement
  • WA heritage
  • Aboirginal culture
  • nearby facilities and services
  • safety

Please subscribe to our mailing list to get the latest updates on the Top Trails Project for 2024! 

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Photo of people walking through a trail