Trail Tips
Hiking in WA

Image Credit: Tourism WA
Navigating the unique urban trails, short hikes or extended multi-day trips across Western Australia offers incredible experiences. To ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure, it's essential to keep a few key safety tips in mind. From planning ahead and staying hydrated to being mindful of your surroundings, these tips will help you make the most of your adventure while prioritising your safety and well-being.
What to take:
- Full large water bottle per person
- Sun protection: hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen (SPF 30+)
- Bike helmet (compulsory in WA)
- Clothing to suit the activity, environment, and weather conditions.
- Binoculars and camera (optional)
- Daypack with comfortable shoulder straps
- Sun protection: hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen (SPF 30+)
- Insect repellent
- Plenty of drinking water (as a minimum carry and drink 1 litre of water per hour of walking, per person).
- PLB or satellite phone
- Clothing to suit the activity, environment and weather conditions.
- Map/ Compass, do not rely on your phone in remote locations.
- Snacks/ Meals to keep your energy levels up on longer walks
- Extra food and water in case of unexpected delays
- Rubbish bag to remove all your rubbish
- Reference material such as wildflower wildlife guides.
- Whistle (for emergencies, six short blasts per minute)
- Small trowel for toilet emergencies, and a few sheets of toilet paper in a small waterproof bag.
- Personal first aid kit (check that items are clean, properly sealed, have not exceeded expiry dates and that used items have been replaced).
- Torch/ Headlamp
- Binoculars and camera (optional)
Additional Information:
For multi-day hikes
The Bibbulmun Track Foundation website contains comprehensive information on suggested gear for both sectionals and long-distance hikes.
Bibbulmun Track Foundation
Personal Locator Beacons (PLB‘s) are recommended for remote locations as well as long-distance and over night trails.
These can be rented from the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and HikeHire (see our links page for more information).
Hiking Classifications
The above lists are for general information only and are not intended as advice and must not be relied upon as such. You should make your own inquiries and seek independent and/or alternative advice prior to undertaking your trail journey.
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