Trail Tips
Mountain Biking & Gravel Riding in WA
Exploring Western Australia's diverse landscapes on a mountain bike or gravel ride is exhilarating, but it comes with its own set of safety considerations. Here's a set of essential tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience while riding through the varying terrains and trails of WA.
What to take:
- Always ride with a buddy and ride within your skill level
- Bike tools and spares (E.g. Mini bike-pump, spare tubes, puncture repair kit)
- Helmet, consider a full-face helmet for more difficult trails
- Water
- Snacks/ food
- Sun protection: sunglasses and sunscreen (SPF 30+)
- Additional protective gear: gloves, body armour
- For remote trails consider a PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) or satellite phone
- For longer trails take extra food and water
- Always have a first aid kit (vehicle nearby or on you for longer trails) and check that items are clean, properly sealed, have not exceeded expiry dates and that used items have been replaced
- Extra food and water in case of unexpected delays
Additional Information:
For long distance gravel
The Munda Biddi Foundation hosts detailed workshops each year to help you plan and prepare for long-distance gravel trails.
Munda Biddi Trail Foundation
Personal Locator Beacons (PLB‘s) are recommended for remote locations as well as long-distance and overnight trails. These can be rented from the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and HikeHire. See our links page for more information.
Mountain Biking Classifications
The above lists are for general information only and are not intended as advice and must not be relied upon as such. You should make your own inquiries and seek independent and/or alternative advice prior to undertaking your trail journey.
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