Event Details
Trails WA have teamed up with Off The Beaten Track and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries to put on a unique hike that will get you out on the trails and talk you through all the things you need to know about hiking in Western Australia.
The ‘Walk-Shop’ includes a guided hike with Off The Beaten Track WA, along the Erskine Nature Trail to get you prepared for hiking on the trails, a brief talk from Paddy Pallin on what gear to take on the trails, and a delicious light lunch at the Boundary Island Brewery afterwards.
PACKAGE INCLUDES: A guided hike along the Erskine Nature Trail equipment demonstrations by Paddy Pallin, a talk from Trails WA, and lunch after the walk
WHAT TO BRING: Water Bottle, appropriate clothing to suit the weather, comfortable hiking shoes, hat and sunscreen and a day pack.