Sepulcralis Hill, East Fitzgerald NP Sepulcralis Hill, East Fitzgerald NP

Trails WA supports the seven principles recommended by Leave No Trace Australia for minimising your impacts when using the trails.
Learn moreAbout Sepulcralis Hill, East Fitzgerald NP
Sepulcralis means "of the tomb" and the weeping gum found along this trail, Eucalyptus sepulcralis, was so named as it was thought to be ideal for cemeteries. From the lookout, there are views to the three sharp peaks of the Whoogarup range and beyond to the three central peaks of the Barrens.
To the east is the rugged East Mt Barren and the Eyre Range. A variety of plants can be found along this walk including bearded heaths, rushes and several species of banksias.
Ravensthorpe Visitor Centre
(08) 9839 0000
- [email protected]
- Visit website
- 86 Morgans Street, Ravensthorpe WA 6346
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Be trail ready for Sepulcralis Hill, East Fitzgerald NP
Here is everything you need to know before visiting this trail.
Time / Duration
30 - 40 minutes
600m return
Trail Start
Hamersley Drive, East Fitzgerlald River National Park, 600km (7hours) south of Perth

Bush Walk
Class 2
Easy trail with modified or hardened surface, and gentle hills or occasional steps. Clear directional signage. No bushwalking experience required. May be suitable for assisted wheelchair users (if ramps are provided at steps).
Visit Trail Tips for further information.
What To Pack
What To Pack
Group B - Hiking & Long Distance Trails (Bushwalks and/or longer trails)
- Sun protection: hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen (SPF 30+)
- Insect repellent
- Plenty of drinking water (as a minimum carry and drink 1 litre of water per hour of walking, per person).
- PLB or satellite phone
- Clothing to suit the activity, environment and weather conditions.
- Map/ Compass, do not rely on your phone in remote locations.
- Snacks/ Meals to keep your energy levels up on longer walks
- Extra food and water in case of unexpected delays
- Rubbish bag to remove all your rubbish
- Reference material such as wildflower wildlife guides.
- Whistle (for emergencies, six short blasts per minute)
- Small trowel for toilet emergencies, and a few sheets of toilet paper in a small waterproof bag.
- Personal first aid kit (check that items are clean, properly sealed, have not exceeded expiry dates and that used items have been replaced).
- Torch/ Headlamp
- Binoculars and camera (optional)
The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions undertakes 1080 baiting at this location to reduce the impacts of feral cats and foxes on native wildlife.
Meat baits containing 1080 poison are laid in or around this area on an ongoing basis. 1080 is poisonous to humans and will kill domestic cats and dogs. Please leave your pets at home or prevent them from entering this area.
For further information contact your local Parks and Wildlife Service office or visit Western Shield.
There are camping facilities at Four Mile Beach (a Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions site) and at Hamersley Inlet (operated by the Shire of Ravensthorpe).- Car Park
Best time of year
March - November
National Park fees
Trail Access
Prohibited Items
No pets , no fires

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