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Thungara Trail 1 - Calico, Port Denison Thungara Trail 1 - Calico, Port Denison

  • 1-3 hours
  • 4.6 km

This is one of six trails on which to explore the area of Dongara and Port Denison.  Walk 1 takes you along the beautiful coast line of Port Denison where you can see a variety of bird life.

The Irwin River Estuary, taken from Ocean Drive. This boardwalk takes you across the Irwin River to the beach.
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Trail 1 takes you along some of Port Denison's beautiful coast, and past some popular recreational spots, such as the Irwin Recreational Centre, and the Skate Park.

The trail begins at the popular Granny's Beach situated on Arurine Bay. A town site was surveyed as "Denison" in 1866, but was generally referred to as "Port Irwin" up to the 1880's. It was later called "Port Dongara" or "Dongara Beach" until the 1920's, and then reverted to "Denison" up to 1973 when the Lands Department officially gazetted the name "Port Denison".

Point Leander is named after the first known shipwreck in the area, the Leander in 1853. After this event settlers lobbied for a jetty to be built.

Be sure to cross Ocean Drive at the boardwalk and climb to the top of the lookout for spectacular views of the Indian Ocean and Irwin River Estuary.

Calico is a unique online and outdoor fitness system which enables you to set your own fitness goals, the distance you walk is tracked with the totems poles installed every 500 meters. Download the free app.

*Dogs must be on a lead.

Dongara – Port Denison Visitors Centre

(08) 9927 1404

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Be trail ready for Thungara Trail 1 - Calico, Port Denison

Here is everything you need to know before visiting this trail.

Time / Duration

Up to 1 hour


4.6km loop

Trail Start

Granny's Beach, Point Leander Drive, Port Denison. 3.5 hours north of Perth

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Trail End

What To Pack


Wheelchair access limited to footpath area along Ocean Drive
  • Car Park
  • Dog Friendly
  • Lookouts
  • All accessible parking

Best time of year

August to May

Trail Access

Road, or bus

Prohibited Items

Dogs allowed on leads
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